Hi there. I am looking for a revision. Below were the comments from the teacher.

Hi there. I am looking for a revision. Below were the comments from the teacher.

Hi there. I am looking for a revision. Below were the comments from the teacher.
Your essay was well written but not reflective of course material.
Please review this topic in your text and rewrite your essay to reflect course materials.
Rewrite and resubmit.
Explain what a hypergrowth company is and evaluate the reasons for the phenomenal rate of growth for hypergrowth companies. What are the most valid explanations for the rate of success found in these companies?
The class Title is Small Business Management. The book used which can be the only reference is(S) Small Business Management Creating a Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Timothy S. Hatten, 2020
ISBN.13: 978-1-544-33086-0

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