I am a nursing student and I missed submitting pre-orientation date assignment.
I am a nursing student and I missed submitting pre-orientation date assignment. I provided a doctor excuse note and they gave me extension date and I missed the due date. This assignment is a disciplinary action please read the instruction and let me know if it is doable.
The student will write a paper addressing the behaviors as it relates to professional obligations as a nurse. The student will access the Texas State Board of Nurse’s website and identify the Texas Administrative Code rules that applies to the unprofessional behavior. A reflection paper on how the behavior ties into the rule, impacts the profession of nursing, and impacts them personally as a future nurse will be required. The paper will be in APA format, 5 pages in length (not including the title page or reference list. References must include the Texas Bord of Nursing BON and at least 1 peer reviewed article pertaining to professionalism in nursing.