I want to cultivate a degree of media literacy in all students, including exerci

I want to cultivate a degree of media literacy in all students, including exerci

I want to cultivate a degree of media literacy in all students, including exercises that work across media. While film and television are typically at the forefront of media studies due to their economic size and ubiquity, my life and research have been much more focused on music, so I am better prepared to guide your work in music media texts. With that in mind, I want everyone to write a review of a popular music album released in the past 12 months. Popular can be defined here as being on the Billboard 100 Charts at any time over the past year.

As with the movie review, I expect everyone to utilize at least three concepts we went over in class and in the readings to inform your review, with references to authors. Although APA citation is not required, it is good practice for your final paper. I also expect everyone to make references to specific parts of songs rather than surface-level commentary on the album in its entirety. If you do not know the musical nomenclature (hook, bridge, intro, verses, etc.), feel free to use time stamps to convey your points.
This paper should not exceed 3 pages (12 point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced) in length. This will be flexible for this assignment based on the format of your paper – if you choose to critique each song individually in a list format, it will inevitably take up more space to write. That being said, if you choose to do a list format, you should still write complete sentences, not bullet points.
List of potential concepts (some have assigned readings attached to them in this course, others you will have to look up authors i.e. postmodernism, hegemony, etc.):
Popular culture
High/low culture
Thick descriiption
Masses / mass culture
Remix culture
Commodity fetishism
Commodity as spectacle
Audience (as a commodity)
Marketing culture
Mass customization
Black/white culture
Media consolidation
Porter’s five forces of competitive advantage
Fandoms/fan culture
Participatory culture
Here is the Participatory Culture link

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