I want to identify what the black church and family/friends have done or are not
I want to identify what the black church and family/friends have done or are not doing to support black males recently released from prison. What Resources are available to these offenders. What, if anything, are available to these black men to assimilate them back into society in hopes of reducing the recidivism rate; specifically in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I want to use a questionnaire in a semi-structured interview to assess the status, available resources, the role of the black church, the role of family/friends of black males who were formally in prison. The attached document is what I have so far. Please use it, if needed, to complete: 1) Theological Reflection 1/2 page (The first item in this section is about your theological reflection. Identify the biblical themes, concepts, principles, or passages that you will focus your reflection on, as you seek a solution to the problem that your project addresses. Do not elaborate, just identify them) i. These Points Should List the Biblical Theme That You Identified in the Descriiption of the Project Process ii. Each Theme, Principle, Concept, Passage, etc.
2) Theoretical Framework A. Chapter 3: Literature Review (three areas of focus biblical theological support, social/psychological and ethical support and operational support or guides to ministry praxis.) 1. These Points Should List the Areas of Scholarly Literature That You Identified in the Descriiption of the Project Process 2. Each Area of Focus Has its Own Numbered Point 3. Discuss the connection to Africentric Philosophy & Liberation Theologies (Design Pedagogies & Epistemologies) Identify and describe how your research design reflects Africentric philosophy and liberation theologies. How does your project reflect ways of teaching and learning that depart from the standard Western, Eurocentric models? [REVIEW OF RELATED RESEARCH AND LITERATURE] (The rest of the literature review should include logical headings that aid the reader in understanding the content and organization of the chapter. The actual headings will differ for each student’s work.) _____ The review is an integrated, critical analysis and synthesis of the relevant research and other scholarly literature published on the topic. _____ Includes the most current scholarship and important historical theory and research, when appropriate, to situate the topic. _____ Synthesizes prior research to illustrate what is currently known about the research problem. _____ Compares different theories and research results. _____ Evaluates previous research and related theory. _____ Integrates various studies and theories to relate a story of the historical and current state of knowledge on the topic. _____ Addresses how the proposed research fits in the context of research to date. _____ Draws mostly from published journal articles in peer-reviewed journals or sound academic books containing primary material; provides justification for using other sources. _____ Has a specific organization for the review. For example, organizes the review around major ideas or themes or organizes the review historically. _____ The literature review needs to be comprehensive, covering the most important theories or research findings upon which the research problem (and hypotheses) was based. _____ Relates the study to previous research. _____ Identifies how the study will extend current knowledge. Dissertation Handbook 56 _____ Defines the most important aspects of the theory that will be examined or tested (for quantitative studies). _____ Substantiates the conceptual framework for the study (for qualitative studies). _____ Clearly relates the review of the related research and literature to the Statement of Problem as expressed in the: _____ research questions _____ hypotheses (quantitative) _____ population _____ context/setting _____ Includes a discussion of differing and common methodologies previously used to study the research problem, including their strengths and limitations. _____ Includes a literature-based descriiption of the research variables (quantitative studies) or central phenomenon, situation, or factors of interest (qualitative studies). _____ Includes literature pertaining to the population and context or setting. _____ Reviews literature related to research method and research design, including major and foundational sources in that design and its application to the research problem. SUMMARY _____ Summarizes key points of the relationship between the study’s research question(s) and the literature. _____ Summarizes the study’s contribution to the literature. _____ Bridges to Chapter III by summarizing literature-based arguments for choosing a particular methodology.
Please explain in extreme detail (Laymen terms) the section below.
3) Research Design Methodology (Qualitative) I will be conducting semi-structured interviews. _____ Describes which qualitative methodology will be used. _____ Justifies choice of methodology using major and foundational sources. _____ Explains why other possible choices would be less effective. _____ Describes specific research questions and sub-questions (where appropriate) that are: _____ Clear and succinct _____ Congruent with the Statement of Problem _____ Answerable _____ Few in number _____ Clearly stated _____ Open-ended (not yes/no questions) _____ Describes the role of the researcher in the data collection procedure. _____ Addresses the potential impact and minimization of researcher bias through methodological approaches. STUDY PARTICIPANTS _____ Describes and justifies the context (including site) for the study. _____ Clearly defines both the general study population and the specific population. _____ Demonstrates (and documents) the ability to access the population. _____ Describes and justifies the sampling approach. _____ Describes how the characteristics of the sample population align with the general population. _____ Discusses how the sample selection impacts the generalizability of the study. _____ Identifies strategies for recruiting participants. _____ Specifies appropriate criteria for selecting participants. _____ Addresses the relationship between the researcher and the participants. _____ Justifies the number of participants. DATA COLLECTION _____ Describes and justifies the data collection method(s) (e.g., interview, focus group, observation). _____ Addresses what types of data will be collected and the unit(s) of analysis. _____ Includes detailed protocol(s) in appendix for data collection (e.g., interview protocol/scriipt, focus group protocol/scriipt, etc.). _____ Justifies contents of data collection protocols by connection to the research questions posed in relation to the qualitative paradigm chosen. _____ Clearly describes the process by which the data were generated, gathered, and recorded. _____ Clearly describes the systems used for keeping track of data and emerging understandings (research logs, reflective journals, and cataloging systems). PROCEDURES FOLLOWED _____ States the sequence of steps followed in conducting the research from development of the research instrument(s) to data analysis. _____ Details all steps in a way that another researcher could follow the steps to reproduce the study. _____ Explains the relation of the pilot study to the full study, if applicable. TRUSTWORTHINESS _____ Addresses credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. _____ Shows evidence of quality by discussing how procedures will be/were followed to assure the accuracy of the data and lessen the impact of researcher bias (e.g., trustworthiness, member checks, triangulation, etc.). ETHICAL CONCERNS _____ Provides adequate measures for ethical protection of participants. _____ Includes detailed information about the informed consent process and how informed consent will be obtained. _____ Includes Informed Consent Letter in Appendix. _____ Includes detailed information about how confidentiality is addressed. DATA ANALYSIS _____ Articulates how and when the data will be or were analyzed. _____ Aligns the detailed data analysis plan with the specific research design to generate answers to the research questions. _____ Describes procedures for dealing with discrepant cases. _____ If a software program was used to aid analysis, clearly describes how it was used. _____ Gives details about the coding procedure and how themes or categories were developed.