I will be interviewing the superintendent of Sheldon Independent School District
I will be interviewing the superintendent of Sheldon Independent School District in Houston, TX. Your questionnaire for your interview candidate is . Please use the following guidelines to create the questions: Identify the laws, policies, or both that you are researching. Construct a one-page list of potential questions for your interviewee to elicit information about the laws and policies you selected. The next step is to take the instructions above and formalize them into an assignment. First, you need to conduct research on a topic to know the critical or analytical questions to pose. 1. Title page 2. Introduction: what is the purpose of your assignment? You will be interviewing an expert on a topic. What is the focused topic of the interview and why is it one of specific, professional interest [worthy of your time and the time of others]? 3. Bullet One: so you have chosen the topic and a probable section heading. Now, what are the presiding laws, maybe cases of interest or challenging or confusing local policies which you feel may require further insight or understanding? Be specific. So, for example, a state may have legislated a mandatory attendance act and a local district may have implemented a policy seeking to jeep the system in compliance. Is the law a reaction to prior issues? Is the law relevant? Practical? No matter how much effort is invested, many students are excessively absent. Now, you must decide will you interview as to why non-compliance persists? Will you interview to understand the response to continuing non-compliance? Will you interview for creative insight? Or will you u interview for all? Do you now understand that in researching the topic and looking at certain local statistics, you now know enough to know what you do not know? You are ready to be a journalist or researcher formulating prodding questions. Therefore, the assignment is valued within your doctoral studies. Many of you might consider a qualitative research study using interviews. In the proposed assignment, how might you demonstrate how to go about researching and constructing an interview of value? 4. Expert: In your assignment, take the time to identify a potential expert to be interviewed. Do not name the individual. Rather, describe the individual’s qualifications and why you believe the person a good subject. Again, in a potential, methodological design, you would have to satisfy a potential, passive audience of the legitimacy of your undertaking. 5. Bullet Two: You have researched the topic; you have identified an expert. Now write an interview script [setting context and then engaging focused query]. What are th poignant questions you will ask? Let me see, if by using the unfolding analogy, I can model the difference between a trite and a probing question? Trite: how many students within the district are excessively absent or absent more than the number allowed by law? You have sat with an identified a local expert. They know the numerical response, and respectfully, as a good researcher you should know the number as well. The question is a waste of both of your time and does not yield an instructive insight. Instead consider: Context: Last year, 113 students across our district were in violation of the mandatory attendance law [MS: GL 107:6] regardless of the implementation of local policy. The number approximates to the year before. – Do you have any insight as to what are the likely, recurring contributors to excessive absences within our district? – Are you aware of any interventions engaged in response to the excessive absence and can you comment on their relevant success or failure? – I see 87% of students with excessive absences are adolescents Does this pose a unique problem when responding? – Within the elementary schools, .28 of students within k-2 have excessive tardiness. Is there a relationship between early patterns in tardiness and eventual issues with absences? 6. Summary: what do you hope to gain from engaging the questions and the specific expert?