If possible, use Navy ROTC program. This week you learned about teams and manage

If possible, use Navy ROTC program. This week you learned about teams and manage

If possible, use Navy ROTC program. This week you learned about teams and managerial communication. For this week’s assignment, you need to think about a team that you have been a part of, which could have been a sports team, a church team, a work team, or a volunteer team that needed to accomplish a goal.
Discuss the purpose of the team and the ultimate goal of the team.
Who were the team members, and what were their respective roles within the team?
Who was the team leader/manager? How were they put in that role? Were they appointed, voted, self-appointed? Was this person a manager within the organization or did they have managerial or leadership experience?
Discuss the team leader’s success at managing the “Triangle of Relationships” that is discussed in this week’s readings.
Discuss the manager’s approach to conflict (Active vs. Passive, Constructive vs. Destructive) based on the matrix from this week’s readings.
How effective was this manager at the three major types of communication described in this week’s readings?
How effective was this manager at interpersonal roles? Informational roles? Decision roles? Explain.
How was the team manager at feedback? Provide examples.
Overall, was this person the right fit for the role as the team manager/leader? Why or why not? If not, who would have been more suitable to lead/manage the team and why?
In your two-three page paper (not including title page or reference listing) you are required to have a minimum of three relevant sources from the UMGC Online Library for support (other than the text book). Keep in mind that whenever you use an idea from an outside source you must include a properly formatted APA Version 7 citation. You also need to have a properly formatted reference listing on the last page of the paper (reference listings go on their own page.)
Please review the grading rubric for the assignment as well as the late work policy, as this assignment is due on Tuesday. If you submit after Tuesday, your paper will be subject to the late work penalty.
Due Date
Sep 26, 2023 11:59 PM
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Rubric Name: Grading Rubric for Papers
Exceptional (90% and above)
Good – meets expectations (80-89%)
Needs improvement (70-79%)
Unsatisfactory (<70%) Criterion Score Content and Critical Thinking 60 points Covers the required content from the assignment instructions fully. The content is logical and discipline-appropriate supporting facts, evidence, and/or data. Student clearly describes major practices of the field and implements them in creative and innovative ways. The writing demonstrates the ability to interpret, analyze, and synthesize information to advance the argument. 53.4 points Covers the required content from the assignment instructions. The content is logical and discipline-appropriate supporting facts, evidence, and/or data. Student describes major practices of the field and implements them. The writing demonstrates the ability to interpret, analyze, and synthesize information. 48 points Covers some of the required content from the assignment instructions. The content is logical and discipline-appropriate with some supporting facts, evidence, and/or data. Student may describe some major practices of the field and implements them. The writing demonstrates the ability to interpret information. 41.4 points Covers minimal required content from the assignment instructions. The content is not logical or discipline-appropriate with little to no supporting facts, evidence, and/or data. Student does not describe major practices of the field or implements them. The writing demonstrates little to no ability to interpret information. Score of Content and Critical Thinking,/ 60 Sources and Support 20 points Student communicates, organizes and synthesizes complex and contradictory information from multiple sources to advance knowledge in the discipline at a professional level. Student accurately quotes, paraphrases, and cites information in ways that are true to the original context with no errors. 17.8 points Student clearly and effectively communicates, organizes and synthesizes complex and contradictory information from multiple sources to advance knowledge in the discipline. Student quotes, paraphrases and cites information correctly and consistently, using information in ways that are true to the original context, with minimal errors. 15.8 points Student communicates results from various sources, but the information is not clearly and effectively communicated or does not advance knowledge in the discipline. Student quotes, paraphrases and cites information mostly correctly and consistently, in ways that are largely true to the original context. 13.8 points Student does not adequately communicate, organize and/or synthesize information from sources and/or does not advance knowledge in the discipline. Student quotes, paraphrases and cites information but may have many errors or use the information out of context. Score of Sources and Support,/ 20 Organization 10 points The writing flows smoothly and logically from a well-defined thesis. There is a coherence in each sentence and paragraph that relates clearly to the controlling idea using appropriate examples. The flow of information demonstrates logical reasoning without jumps or shifts. The writing contains a thorough introduction, body sections, conclusion, and smooth transitions. 8.9 points The writing is organized logically and flows well. Paragraphs are organized to fit the type of essay being written. The writing discusses each controlling idea using appropriate examples. The flow of information demonstrates logical reasoning with minor jumps or shifts. The writing contains an appropriate introduction, body sections, conclusion, and transitions. 7.9 points The writing demonstrates rudimentary organization and logical structure, but ideas may be more fully developed and supported by more appropriate evidence. Paragraphs are somewhat organized to fit the type of essay being written. The writing discusses the controlling idea using prescribed resources or examples. The writing contains a basic introduction and body sections, but may be missing a conclusion. There may be repetition of thought or ideas. The coherence at times is choppy or flat. 6.9 points The writing is noticeably lacking in organization. Paragraphs are somewhat organized, at least by shape, to fit the type of essay being written. However, the writing lacks discussion of the proposed controlling idea. There may be repetition of thought or ideas. The writing contains some elements of the introduction and body sections, but may be missing a conclusion. Transitions are not evident. Score of Organization,/ 10 Grammar and Mechanics 10 points The writing is free of proofreading errors. The writing contains sentences that are always complete and grammatically correct, and free of confusion and ambiguity. 8.9 points The writing may exhibit a few minor errors in proofreading, but they do not impair the flow of the reading. The writing contains sentences that are complete or which imply unstated connections and/or conclusions. 7.9 points The writing could benefit from additional proofreading, as some errors impede the flow of the reading. The writing contains some grammatical errors easily corrected. Additional proofreading would help eliminate errors. 6.9 points The writing exhibits substantial errors in proofreading. The writing is confusing and ambiguous owing to substantial errors of grammar and syntax. There is no evidence of proofreading, editing, or rewriting. Score of Grammar and Mechanics,/ 10 Total Score of Grading Rubric for Papers,/ 100 Overall Score Exceptional 90 points minimum Good 80 points minimum Needs Improvement 70 points minimum Unsatisfactory 0 points minimum

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