In a well-organized essay, discuss the main idea of the poem as well as how the

In a well-organized essay, discuss the main idea of the poem as well as how the

In a well-organized essay, discuss the main idea of the poem as well as how the writer conveys that idea. You may wish to consider elements such as diction, tone, imagery, and speaker. Avoid merely paraphrasing the poem. • The first paragraph should contain a thesis statement in which you clearly present the argument you want to make in your essay. • Each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence in which you clearly state the argument for that paragraph. • Be sure to support your arguments with brief, relevant examples. Each body paragraph should include at least three pieces of supporting evidence and should be clearly linked together with intelligent commentary. • When using direct quotations from the text, document your citation using standard conventions (for example, use line numbers when quoting poems, act and scene numbers for drama, and page numbers for fiction).

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