In American historiography, Marxist historians consider the Cold War an attempt
In American historiography, Marxist historians consider the Cold War an attempt by the U.S. to establish economic hegemony, while Revisionist historians blame individual personalities, namely Stalin and Truman. Might there be some other explanation for explaining the Cold War? Do you think the Cold War was inevitable? If so, what were the factors that made the Cold War conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union unavoidable?
The length of the paper should be 5-6 pages (approximately 1500-1700 words)
The paper must be typed in Times New Roman 12-point font and double-spaced.
You must provide at least 4 outside sources (besides using the appropriate chapters in The American Promise and Reading the American Past), two of which must be primary sources.
All sources must be correctly cited using the Chicago Manual of Style. You must also provide a separate Bibliography at the end of your paper.