In Module One, you were introduced to the mind-brain problem, where psychologist

In Module One, you were introduced to the mind-brain problem, where psychologist

In Module One, you were introduced to the mind-brain problem, where psychologists consider how the brain and the non-physical mind may impact or control behavior. Another important concept in psychology is understanding how the brain develops and changes, and what aids in these changes. Because the field of cognitive neuroscience examines the brain through imaging methods, it is an area of psychology that is poised to answer some of these questions. After completing this week’s readings, answer the following questions: How can current research in cognitive neuroscience be applied to understanding different problems in psychology, including the mind-brain problem and questions concerning brain development and change? How do you think modern imaging methods have helped us understand the brain and solve problems in psychology? Be sure to support your answers with information from the readings.
Last, draft three potential research questions that explore potential improvements related to your topic and the applied setting. Draft a topic suggestion by identifying your particular area of interest in cognitive psychology (attention, learning, memory, language, or decision making), select an applied setting (education, law, mental health, or technology), and describe the contemporary problem as it relates to your topic and setting.
Use any article. I have not yet bought the textbook

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