In preparation for the SLP, make sure you have a thorough grasp of the terminolo

In preparation for the SLP, make sure you have a thorough grasp of the terminolo

In preparation for the SLP, make sure you have a thorough grasp of the terminology from the Organizational Behavior textbook in the list of Required Readings (Chapter 13), including the main sources of power and types of power tactics. Once you are comfortable with the terminology and concepts from the background materials, think of a manager that you worked with closely who held a fair amount of power at the organization you worked for. Then write a 2- to 3-page paper addressing each of the following questions. For each answer, make sure to cite at least one reference from the required background readings. (Tip: 3 questions equates to 3 different references.)
Explain the results of your chart of the 10-15 people used for this assignment.
1. Which of the six potential sources of power does this manager draw upon when leading a team of employees?
2. Discuss some influence tactics that might be used by this manager. Include a discussion about whether or not this manager used the influence tactics discussed in Chapter 13: Power and Politics (n.d.) from the required readings.
3. Describe two situations: (1) where you tried to influence someone either above, below, or laterally to your position in the company; and (2), where someone tried to influence you upwardly, downward, or laterally.
4. How would you feel if someone told you “You are a powerful leader”? Would you feel comfortable or uncomfortable? Explain your answer.
SLP Assignment Expectations
• SLP assignments are to be prepared in Microsoft Word and should be 2 to 3 pages (which means not less than 2 full pages), in addition to a cover page (course name and number, module number, session name, student name, and date prepared) and a reference list. The paper should be double-spaced, using 12 pt. type in the Times New Roman font. It should consist of a 3- to 4-sentence introduction, a body, and a 3- to 4-sentence conclusion, and use Trident University International’s cover page. The reference list page must be in APA format, current edition, and contain 3 scholarly references (high quality journal articles or textbooks).,.
• Assignment content should include a brief introduction to the assignment, background information about the organization being studied, and discussion in terms of the concepts or theories being applied in the assignment.
• Use headings and subheadings to improve presentation values.
• Include both a References page and in-text citations. Attention is to be given to citing sources of information in-text as well as in the References page at the end of the paper. Citation and reference style instructions are available at Purdue OWL:, Trident University’s Introduction to APA Style, 7th edition , or at
Bolman, L. G. & Deal, T. E. (2021). Chapter 9. Power, conflict, and coalition. In Reframing organizations: artistry, choice, and leadership (7th ed). Available in the Trident Online Library. [Read Chapter 9 but pay special attention to Sources of Power.] Proquest eBook Central. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Chapter 13. Power and politics. (n.d.). 13.3: The power to influence. In Organizational behavior. University of Minnesota. This book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Geisler, J. (2021). How to use influence to enhance your powers of persuasion in the workplace. Healthcare Financial Management, 75(1), 46-47.
Rana, D., & Sharma, M. (2021). The new final frontier: A case study analysis of private Sector’s increasing role in the space industry. Journal of Student Research (Houston, Tex.), 10(3).
Elon Musk’s ‘hardcore’ management style. a case study in what not to do. (2022, November 28). Elon Musk’s ‘hardcore’ management style: a case study in what not to do. The Sunday Mail. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Khan, M. R. (2021). A critical analysis of Elon Musk’s leadership in TeslaMmotors. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 11(1), 213-222. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Luthans, F., Luthans, B. C., & Luthans, K. W. (2021). Organizational behavior: an evidence-based approach (14th ed.). Information Age Publishing. eBook Business Collection. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Tipuric, D. (2022). The enactment of strategic leadership: a critical perspective, 154-160. Palgrave MacMillan. DOAB. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Wagner, K., Frier, S., & Stone, B. (2022). Can Twitter survive the chief twit? Bloomberg Businessweek, (4766), 42. Available in the Trident Online Library.

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