Instructions: Each written paper requires in-depth and detailed responses to the

Instructions: Each written paper requires in-depth and detailed responses to the

Instructions: Each written paper requires in-depth and detailed responses to the assignment question(s). The written papers need to reference the text materials in the content of the paper as well as the Reference Page. You must ensure you reference and cite a source if you paraphrase or quote directly from an author or source. Likewise, written papers include real-world examples to support any general points. Keep your submissions clear, concise, focused, and succinct. Quality is preferred and not quantity of verbiage. Each written paper must be:
□ APA format
□ Title page, introduction, conclusion, and reference page (no short answer format)
Identify a company you like and/or familiar with in terms of their logistical processes. What are some of the reasons why this company would elect to keep their logistics processes in house? Discuss the company and each reason in detail. You must include a title page, introduction, conclusion, and reference page.

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