It is essential to consider the implications of ethical dilemmas th
It is essential to consider the implications of ethical dilemmas that are inevitable in the business world. It can be challenging to know what to do when an ethical problem occurs. Using what you learned about making ethical decisions based on assigned readings, it is important to consider how you would incorporate ethical considerations into your decision-making.
Read the following scenario.
A visiting American executive finds that a foreign subsidiary in a less developed country has hired a 12-year-old girl to work on a factory floor, in violation of the company’s prohibition on child labor. He tells the local manager to replace the child and tell her to go back to school. The local manager tells the American executive that the child is an orphan with no other means of support, and she will probably become a street child if she is denied work.
Research articles related to child labor and use them as references in your responses to the following questions:
What should the American Executive do?
Is it the American Corporation’s ethical responsibility to handle the situation in a manner that benefits the young girl? Why or why not? Please explain.
Post an initial 200-word response by Thursday and at least two responses to other students’ postings by Sunday. In your response to two other students, discuss what you learned from their approach and include a key insight that stood out to you.
This discussion is worth 50 points. For more specifics on how this will be graded, refer to the rubric below.
Instructions for Discussion Board
This week contains multiple discussion questions that you are required to answer. Post your weekly contributions commenting on the key issues assigned by the instructor, and also comment on the contributions of two of your colleagues.
Contributions must display original thinking and good knowledge of the subject matter, including links and references to sources used to back up your arguments.
Your contribution must be a Substantial Contribution. A Substantial Contributions is a posting that adds value to the conversation by providing relevant different views or a personally relevant experience. A point of view from an authority on the subject is also a substantial contribution.
This is an Undergraduate level business course. Use professional business language. Provide facts and quantitative information such as figures (numbers), statistics, charts, and graphs, to justify your arguments.