instructions: Remember your presentation will be seeking to answer the question

Remember your presentation will be seeking to answer the question

Remember your presentation will be seeking to answer the question asked on the syllabus. The answer to this question will be evident in the reading for that week.
Remember in order to answer the question you must first set the context (history politics), deal with some of the concepts if applicable (e.g. what is surveillance), and provide examples from the reading.
You are presenting on the reading ‘Algerian youth and the contestation over sound on tiktok’, the question is >What is netnography? How are middle class Algerian youth using TikTok?, according to the reading?
If you break this down into slides it may look like this
Title slide: Title
Slide 2: Overview of the presentation in bullet points (30 seconds)
Slide 3-4: Context, an idea about how Algerian youth are using tiktok preferably the middle class? (4-5 minutes)
Slide 4-5: what is netnography? Or mention other relevant arguments from the text on how they use tik tok and different songs and what do they mean (general) (4-5 minutes)
Slide 6-8: Specific examples from the readingl (5-7) minutes
Conclusion: Summary, can you summarise your argument (answer the question) in one slide (1-2 minutes)
Remember when you talk it takes longer than you think!
Include audio or video and useful/relevant images to make your presentation more dynamic and appealing.
Relevant video should really not form more than one quarter of your presentation time.
Don’t put too much text on one slide
I will attach the reading here and I already highlighted the important arguments from the text
also please provide me with a doc with all the stuff i will be reading out from a script for each slide because i will be reading from a script

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