Since you can get a good sense of the whole economy by looking at
Since you can get a good sense of the whole economy by looking at its principal moving parts, this assignment asks you to do just that – gather information about the current state and trends in:
-The economic variables of employment
-Gross Domestic Product
-Interest rates
-Consumer spending
-Government spending
-The trade balance
Write a short general forecast for near-intermediate term US economic performance. If you write succinctly (economically) this should take you no more than 2-3 pages. If needed, narrow your topic down to one assertion applying one or two economic variables. Here are some additional scholarly sources you may find useful:
-U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
-The National Bureau of Economic Research
-Federal Reserve System
-U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Economics
-Resources for Economists on the Internet
-Bloomberg Business and Professional News
Please use in text citations and structure the paper with: