ISM 4403 – Fall 2023 Final Project Due December 09, 2023 Data Analytics Project

ISM 4403 – Fall 2023
Final Project
Due December 09, 2023
Data Analytics Project

ISM 4403 – Fall 2023
Final Project
Due December 09, 2023
Data Analytics Project Assignment: Enhancing Sports Team Performance
In this project, you will step into the role of a business analyst recruited by a sports team of your choice. Imagine being part of the team’s strategy to elevate national ratings for the upcoming 2024 season. The team’s CEO has entrusted you with the task of leveraging data insights to assist coaches and players in achieving this goal. Your mission involves comprehensive research, strategic thinking, and hands-on application of data analytics techniques.
Your Task:
Identify and Collect Data:Locate a dataset related to the sports team you are investigating. The dataset should comprise a minimum of 500 records and include at least 8 attributes.
CRISP Model Approach: Utilize the CRISP (Cross-Industry Standard Process) Model Approach for effective analysis.
Business Model Narrative:Craft a 2-3 paragraph narrative describing the business model of the sports team. Provide insights into its structure, goals, and key strategies.
Data Understanding and Strategic Objectives:Explain and discuss your understanding of the dataset concerning the team’s strategic objectives. How does the data align with the team’s goals?
Data Preparation:Apply data cleansing techniques discussed in class to prepare the dataset. Elaborate on the process undertaken for data cleaning and why it is crucial for accurate analysis.
Model Development:Develop models using Linear Regression, CART Model, C4.5, and K-Means Algorithm. Choose 4-5 attributes for your models, justifying your selection based on relevance and significance.
Model Testing with Confusion Matrix:Employ the Confusion Matrix Approach to test each model. Evaluate their performance and discuss the results.
Model Comparison and Findings:Compare the developed models and discuss your findings. Highlight strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for improvement.
Conclusion:Summarize your findings and provide a conclusion. Reflect on the implications of your analysis for the sports team’s 2024 season.
Submission Details:
Deadline: December 09, 2023
Report Length: Minimum 8 pages adhering to APA formatting guidelines (1.5 line spacing, title, header, page numbering, etc.)

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