Critically evaluate the development of the future of CSR reporting in
Critically evaluate the development of the future of CSR reporting in the post-COVID-19 world by investigating the impact of Pandemic (Covid-19) on economies (developed and developing worlds) and competition for resources; sustainable business and sustainability; business and international development (globalisation); business responses to climate change; refocusing business in an age of scarcity and uncertainty; business and citizenship.
This assessment required you to submit a mini-conference paper to a conference with the submission guidelines as:
Papers to be 2500 words (+10) – excluding appendices, reference list, and bibliography.
Referenced using Harvard Style of referencing,
One and a half spacing between lines, Arial or Times New Roman size 12
The structure of the paper is to be:
Abstract (including keywords);
Literature Review;
Findings and Discussion;
Please refer to the assignment briefs 1 and 2 for more info, additionally, I have added the weekly mini-lectures and reading.
References and in-text citation is essential for the paper.