KEY POINTS Critically evaluate the development of the future of CSR reporting in

Critically evaluate the development of the future of CSR reporting in

Critically evaluate the development of the future of CSR reporting in the post-COVID-19 world by investigating the impact of Pandemic (Covid-19) on economies (developed and developing worlds) and competition for resources; sustainable business and sustainability; business and international development (globalisation); business responses to climate change; refocusing business in an age of scarcity and uncertainty; business and citizenship.
This assessment required you to submit a mini-conference paper to a conference with the submission guidelines as:
Papers to be 2500 words (+10) – excluding appendices, reference list, and bibliography.
Referenced using Harvard Style of referencing,
One and a half spacing between lines, Arial or Times New Roman size 12
The structure of the paper is to be:
Abstract (including keywords);
Literature Review;
Findings and Discussion;
Please refer to the assignment briefs 1 and 2 for more info, additionally, I have added the weekly mini-lectures and reading.
References and in-text citation is essential for the paper.

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