-List three (3) strategies for active case finding
-Describe outbreak control m
-List three (3) strategies for active case finding
-Describe outbreak control measures
-Prepare a statement for media during an outbreak situation
-Identify critical components of an outbreak investigation report
1. Complete each question in the case study. It is recommended to answer each question in sequential order since you are performing an outbreak investigation.
2. You can use classroom or online resources to answer the questions, such as CDC or local health departments.( https://abcnews.go.com/Health/video/history-measles-america-28665748 )( https://historyofvaccines.org/history/measles/overview )
3. Please put your name in the document header.
4. This assignment is to be completed individually. The assignment will have “group” or “team” activities. You need to complete all questions in the case study, but you can exclude the in-class portions, such as writing responses on flip-charts.