literature review is a continuation of the research question you helped with pre

literature review is a continuation of the research question you helped with pre

literature review is a continuation of the research question you helped with previously.
i have added the requirements for this review. as well as a sample to go by. (final research by Ryan)
the research question you originally helped me with was a little off point. here is the feedback ….
“”Is this true? Rwanda has the highest percentage of women representatives in any national legislature in the world. I think what you might be trying to say is that there’s lots of variation. Some countries have high levels, others are sort of mid range, while others are low. An obvious explanation is the quota system that many countries have introduced. But some countries exceed this. Your topic is definitely cool but the research question needs a re-think.””
we need to rethink the question. We know women are in power in Africa. So what is the difference between African women in legislature than other women from around the world?
i will send a better explanation of the new question this evening. he helped me with it but i do not have my notes on me right now to provide to you.
also please read the POLI 342 Literature review instructions and guidelines.
I also attached the previous research paper you helped with that we will be adding and revising.

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