Management Question

As with your Unit 8 Individual Project (IP), this assignment begins with the sources you found and used in Units 6 and 7 to create basic annotations of each of those sources. Return to that collection of annotated sources, and determine a new topical areadifferent from the one you chose for the Unit 8 Individual Project but still related to your research problem and of interest to you at this time. Your task in this IP assignment is to synthesize key ideas from what those chosen sources articulate related to the study findings being reported.

Return to the instructions in the Unit 8 IP for guidance. Your task for this IP is the same, with the only difference being that you will choose a different topical area related to your study problem than the one you wrote about in the Unit 8 IP.

Your deliverable for this assignment is to create a paper of approximately 46 pages (double-spaced) in which you have utilized some of the scholarly sources that you have annotated thus far to demonstrate a synthesis of one or more key topical areas related to your proposed study problem but that are different from the previous IP. This is also where your quotations or paraphrases from your basic annotation assignments could be very useful for you include strategically.

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