NARRATIVE Provide a summary of the project you are proposing. Be sure to includ

Provide a summary of the project you are proposing. Be sure to includ

Provide a summary of the project you are proposing. Be sure to include the grade level and the content area to be addressed.
Describe your project. What are your goals for student learning? How will you measure outcomes? Be sure to include the standards with which you will be linking your work.
What are the student needs for this project? Prioritize academic need, but you should describe sociological, economic, emotional, and/or cultural issues as well.
What activities will you and your students engage in to reach your goals? In this descriiption, address how the activities will engage students in critical thinking and problem solving.
Describe how this project will be sustained beyond the grant period and/or how it provides a model that can be used by other teachers.
Provide a line item budget for the proposed work. Your request must total $1,000. It is recommended that your budget be as cost-efficient as possible. Please ensure that all items are directly related to your proposed work, as your budget will be assessed by how realistic, clear, and frugal it is.
Principal and/or committee at school completes the review.
Proposed goals for student achievement are challenging and rigorous.
Proposed work engages students in critical thinking and problem solving.
There is alignment between goals, assessment, activities, and budget.
The project is collaborative and can be sustained in future years and/or adopted by other educators.
There is a culminating activity.
Project period: September 30, 2023 – March 15, 2024.

Name________________________________________ Grade Level _______ Room Number________
NARRATIVE – Provide a summary of the project you are proposing. Be sure to include the grade level and the content area to be addressed.
GOALS – Describe your project. What are your goals for student learning? How will you measure outcomes? Be sure to include the standards with which you will be linking your work.
BUDGET – Provide a line item budget for the proposed work
Item (Include Item #)
World Language Class (Teacher Speak Spanish and Portuguese works in Newark NJ have bilingual students

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