On the first slide, include a proper APA citation for the article Overview

On the first slide, include a proper APA citation for the article

On the first slide, include a proper APA citation for the article
Overview – In two-three slides, provide an overview of the article to include the statement of the problem or issue discussed, the research approach or method, author’s hypothesis, and conclusions. While these slides can include paraphrasing and direct quotations, work to describe the components of the article in your own words in your presentation without over-relying on the author’s work.
Critique – In four-to-five slides, outline your critique. A critique requires that you evaluate the author’s position and provide your well-reasoned opinion. Ultimately, your response to the author’s ideas should be informed by the broader context of the management discipline, so work to incorporate ideas, concepts, and/or strategies you have learned in previous courses to support your critique. Refer to the key points outlined in the overview (above) as the attributes to analyze based on your understanding of the broader marketing discipline.

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