One new initiative meeting: put together and conduct a pitch session for a new i
One new initiative meeting: put together and conduct a pitch session for a new initiative at your organization of choice. Use audio or visual aids where appropriate. This pitch must include hard facts and evidence to back up any claim.
This can relate to business life, personal life, school life, it is completely up to you
Do you work somewhere you think they should change a policy?
Should we do away with homework in schools?
Would it better for society if certain laws changed?
Does it really make your life better if you meditate?
These are just a few examples as the possibilities are endless
Make it engaging and informative
Ensure your communication is clear, concise, to the point, audience relevant, and persuasive
You are trying to convince us that your idea is the best out there!
Via PowerPoint or Prezi
Use voiceover function or record yourself giving the presentation (make sure I can see the slides as you present)
References will be on your last slide
Presentations should be informative, accurate, visually appealing and designed for your specific audience
This will be 5-7 minutes