Open the Packet Tracer application, and then open the following file in Packet T
Open the Packet Tracer application, and then open the following file in Packet Tracer: Network Issues Download Network Issues.
Using this Packet Tracer file, in your original post, respond to the following:
What issues do you see on that network? Pick and discuss three. There are several. Things you should be looking for relate to enterprise networking topics we have covered this term such as VLANs, trunks, IP addresses, router interfaces and sub-interfaces, etc. The goal is for you to troubleshoot, diagnose, fix and provide connectivity to and from all devices on the network.
Now that you have found the issues on the network, what needs to be done to fix them? Describe how the issues affect the network and what needs to be done to correct them.
Using outside resources, research common enterprise network issues and discuss at least three- be sure to include the most common “fix” for each. Keep in mind you should be focusing on enterprise network issues that relate to this course such as VLANs, trunks, IPv4 static routing, DHCP, etc.