Overview of each country:
Population and life expectancy data
Top causes of de
Overview of each country:
Population and life expectancy data
Top causes of death and illness/disability (communicable and non-communicable diseases)
Under-5 mortality
Driving risk factors
Data on health care, spending and health care resources/access (numbers and types of providers in the country)
Environmental Factors (Water, Sanitation, Infrastructure, Climate changes, Working/living condition, Transportation, Education, animals that spread disease, food sourcing, and supply)
Political factors impacting the country
Attitudes, beliefs, values, culture related to health practices and lifestyle behaviors
Nursing Care/Health Care Delivery: What is the situation and impact of nursing care in these countries (training, practice requirements, how do they practice)?
Current programs or international aid programs working in that country. Efforts to improve conditions.
Compare & Contrast: What are the primary similarities and/or differences between the two countries?
Identify the shared goals and values of the group.
Teamwork, Time Management, Communication
List your plans to enable/facilitate the group achieving its goals (i.e. communication plans, meeting plans, addressing any potential barriers, etc.
Texting, Zoom Meetings, Group Access to PowerPoint
Assign the following group roles: Leader (schedules, meetings, setting deadlines, etc); Copyeditor (Reviews grammar, spelling, APA, etc); Visuals and Data Expert (Completes and formats tables, charts, graphics, Excel spreadsheets, etc.); Researcher (Researches and compiles resources and references; although all should take part in data gathering)
Gerald– Leader, Copyeditor
Tosha – Visuals, Researcher
Identify the two countries the group has selected for the project. Be sure to include the Human Development Index, clearly defining which country meets the “Low” HDI tier and the “Medium” HDI tier.
High HDI – United State of America – 0.921
Low HDI – Mali – 0.427