Perform a literature search for original research on neonatal thermoregulation,
Perform a literature search for original research on neonatal thermoregulation, particularly related to the neonatal/newborn period. Primary or original research articles are those where the findings from a specific study are being reported by the researchers who conducted the study. This is in contrast to articles like literature reviews, where the author(s) are conveying findings from numerous studies on any given topic. Examples of study topics related to thermoregulation include newborn bathing, newborns wearing hats, or kangaroo care.
Provide a summary of the study you selected. Include elements of the methodology such as population, sample size, instruments used, how the study was conducted, what the findings were. You can find this in the methods section of the article.
What is the evidence saying based on the results and discussion sections? Is this an adequate article from an evidence standout (i.e. would you change your practice based on this article or would you need more research?)? Consider the sample population and size, and if findings were statistically significant as a part of this discussion.
Did the research article address physiologic principles in their discussion? If yes, what principles or concepts were explained? If not, did they infer them in some way? Were there physiologic concepts that were not addressed that you think would improve the readers’ understanding of the study? Explain