Person 1: “I think we need to make more stuff at home. That is why I like the CH
Person 1: “I think we need to make more stuff at home. That is why I like the CHIPS Act – billions of dollars proposed investment already!
Person 2: “I don’t want to pay more for something that can be made more cheaply abroad. I am pretty sure the cost of electronics is going to go up if we make it all here. Probably cost of cars as well.”
Person 1: “I just think we need to make what we want at home. Why should we depend on others, not to mention the security risk with China, and sending our money to foreigners.”
Person 2: “Taiwan, not China should be more worried about the CHIPS Act. By the way, Good Luck trying to buy some homegrown bananas for your cereal tomorrow!”
a. Based internet research verify if each person’s understanding of the CHIPS Act is accurate. [Minimum 100 words]
b. Explain how the CHIPS Act and the above conversation relate to this week’s material. [Minimum 150 words]
Indicate the two parts (a and b) separately in your response. Be specific and provide links to your sources.
Feel free to respond to others. Replies will count toward bonus points.
Note: 1. Do not “copy and paste”. Use your own words.
2. Minimum penalty for not citing sources – 5 points.
3. While there is a political dimension to international business policy decisions, remember to avoid political commentary and stick to course concepts
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