Pick a character from the movie that displays abnormal behavior and assess, diag

Pick a character from the movie that displays abnormal behavior and assess, diag

Pick a character from the movie that displays abnormal behavior and assess, diagnose, and then treat the character. You must decide what theoretical perspective you will be taking in relation to the cause of the disorder and then the effective treatment. You must give a brief synopsis of the movie, the character’s signs and symptoms, and then how you came up with your diagnosis and treatment plan. This assignment is to be complete as a power point. Please make sure you research your disorder using scholarly articles and the DSM-5. In addition, you must put your references in your PowerPoint in the correct APA format. You must include the movie’s name, a brief synopsis, the character you chose to diagnose, the signs and symptoms portrayed by the character, treatment options, and the theory implemented to diagnose and treat the character. You may include a brief scene from the movie if you would like. 

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