Pick any dance movie, youtube clip, music video, commercial, etc. etc. and w
Pick any dance movie, youtube clip, music video, commercial, etc. etc. and write a paper following the guidelines given below.
Then, pick 2-3 moments from each dance that really stood out in your memory. Usually they will be pivotal moments in each dance that created the overall effect of the dance to you as a viewer. Answer the following questions to describe these moments, to show how these dance movements affected your opinion of the dance.
What did you see? Just describe the movement or movement phrase as you would to a friend who had not seen the dance, without judging or assessing what you saw. For example, “The dancers spun around the stage with a frenetic energy stopping only once their bodies crashed to the ground and slid to a stop.”
What effect did this movement have? Talk about the physical/emotional/or mental effect this dance movement or phrase created on the stage or screen in the dance, still without judging the dance, merely interpreting the movement you saw. Example: “This movement created the image of a group of people in a chaotic state of urgency, that kept me on the edge of my seat with anticipation the whole evening.”
How did you interpret this dance or dance phrase? Example: “These moments in the dance caused me to interpret it as an example of the frenetic busy working lifestyle in which we all feel driven to survive.”
Repeat this process 2-3 times for each dance. Then you will have recreated for the reader, your experience of this dance and the reader will understand how and why you came to your conclusions and opinions. Use the language of space, time, and energy that we have learned in this class to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each piece. You may also choose to talk about them in regards to: use of dynamics, structure, compositional tools, movement vocabulary, technique, production elements (costumes, lighting), theme, or any other performance element that stood out about this piece.
Write in standard format with an opening paragraph, which includes your thesis statements regarding your topic, body paragraphs supporting your thesis, and a closing paragraph.
Use MS Word and type the paper in MLA Style.
Titles of individual dances should be in italics and capitalized. For example: Merce Cunningham’s Rainforest. Concert and dance company names should be Capitalized but not italicized.
Always cite when you refer to any other writings or opinions that are not your own. Other than taking factual information from websites (dates, times, venue, names…) and paraphrasing or quoting from reviewers, you should not “borrow” writing from another source.
DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. If your paper can not be read by Turnitin, you will receive a “O” for the assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure their paper is readable by Turnitin.
List all your sources in a Bibliography. Website references and videos need to include both the website, and the date the website was accessed.
If watching a dance concert of mixed repertory, or a movie with multiple dance scenes, select THREE dance pieces to discuss. If the concert, movie, or video clip consists of one long piece, talk about the whole piece.
If you have questions about the format of this paper, refer to the MLA style guides listed on the homepage of the Cerritos College Library:
Points: 10 points for each full page if double-spaced (approx. 250 words),
20 points for each full page single-spaced (approx. 500 words)
Maximum 40 points Extra Credit Allowed
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