PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY SORT OF AI! Question: How anxious thinking is an altered s

Question: How anxious thinking is an altered s

Question: How anxious thinking is an altered state of consciousness
The Paper is a standard APA style paper, and is described in more detail below.
You will write a 7-8 page paper (this includes title page, main text, and references), based on any article published within the past several years (2016 and onward) on consciousness in any journal published by the American Psychological Association (APA), the Association for Psychological Science (APS), or any mainstream journal (if not an APA or APS or Psychonomic journal, then check it out with me)
I would like you to find an article and then track down six (6) [or more] supporting articles on the same topic. Your job is to write a brief review of the topic (not a review of the article) you chose. I do not want an exhaustive review paper. I want to see that you have read and understood a recent paper on consciousness and that you have read several supporting articles, and that you can integrate your seven (7[+]) papers by typing everything together into a neat little package for me to enjoy. Your paper must conform to APA style (check the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition, available in the Library, the Psychology Resource Room, or online at “Purdue Owl” for details). The earlier you start on your paper, the better. Your paper must contain a Title page, 4-5 pages of text, and finally a Reference section in which you list all the articles that you used in your paper. Note that the references must conform to APA style. If you obtained your articles online and the articles have been published in print, you must list the print version of the reference, including page numbers (you can obtain the proper reference for the print version of the reference on PsycInfo or PsycArticles). When you submit in your paper include a full copy of the current-year article that you used. You will submit these by email as a Word (.doc or.docx) (including title page and abstract) with your name, class number, and date in the file name (e.g., “Linda Smith P3311 Term Paper 13Nov2014.doc”. Please include a pdf of the current-year article that you used when you email your paper.
Grading criteria: I am a stickler for structure and grammar, so proofread your work carefully. Let me repeat: Proofread your paper carefully. Basically, I am looking for a summary and critical evaluation of your chosen topic. If possible, please think about and mention any limitations to the work you are describing. Do not be afraid to criticize the work! You will not lose marks for trying to criticize the work (in fact, you will probably earn marks for being critical – but keep in mind that critical thinking involves assessment of the strengths as well as the weaknesses of a position or of research). Finally, try to think of and mention possible directions for future research or theorizing on the topic that you are discussing. Most importantly, try to enjoy the topic you’ve chosen.
Review article on anxiety need to be used:,our%20behaviors%20seems%20to%20shrink.

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