Please give the basic information about the film in a sentence or two:
1. What i
Please give the basic information about the film in a sentence or two:
1. What is the title of the film?
2. What year was it released?
3. Who is the director?
4. Which actors play the key roles?
5. What type or genre is the film?
Please write a paragraph or two as an answer to each of the following questions:
6. What were 2-3 key points in the story or plot of the film? (Do not give a full summary of the plot as I’ve already seen the movie.)
7. What did you find to be the most striking visual components of the film? Describe them in detail.
8. What was most effective about the use of sound and/or music? Give several specific examples.
9. Give an example or two of interesting uses of costume and make up. Be descriiptive.
10. Was there (at least) one especially memorable acting performance? Describe it. If there weren’t any good performances, what would have improved them? Be specific.
11. On a very basic level, did you like or dislike the film. Tell me why. Explore your reaction in some depth.
Please answer questions 6-11 from your own point of view. No cut and paste from Wikipedia, for instance. Use a 12-point font and use 1” margins all the way around. 1.5 spacing.