Please know that you have your SEMESTER PAPER coming due (see the syllabus in FI
Please know that you have your SEMESTER PAPER coming due (see the syllabus in FILES just after the schedule portion of the syllabus). There is a DETAILED HANDOUT for this paper–you are to COPY AND PASTE THE QUESTIONS (as you do for assignments) and put your thorough response below each question
SEMESTER PAPER:This assignment is intended to familiarize you will theways in which the
social context can influence behavior, beyond personality or innate factors. Details of this assignment
ware be given at the end of the syllabus. This paper is to be typed and about 10 pages in length (longer
is fine, but I do not think you can do a thorough job in fewer pages). Please see the detailed description 5
of the requirements of this paper at the end of this syllabus. NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE
upload your completed paper to the “Semester Paper” link in the Canvas system no later than the due
date on the syllabus. Please remember, you are uploading your paper to a Turnitin location, which is a
tool to detect plagiarism. Please make sure you use the information from the text, but put all responses
IN YOUR OWN WORDS—PLEASE NO QUOTES even if properly cited. If you use quotes,
points will be deducted. Also, remember, DO NOT SEND ME YOUR PAPER BY EMAIL—it must
be in the system for credit.
Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Please know that it is students’ responsibility to be informed on the
scope of plagiarism. Plagiarism = taking credit for work done by someone else or using previously
completed course/project work without permission from BOTH of the professors in their respective
courses. This refers to, but not limited to, (1) turning in a paper that includes work written by another
student, or downloaded from the Internet; (2) including portions of previously published work without
proper referencing; or (3) using work that you have completed in a previous course or project without
written permission from both professors. Please see the Irvine Valley College catalog for a more
complete description of plagiarism. Plagiarism is the intellectual equivalent of forgery, and it is never
permissible. Any assignment or exam that includes any amount of plagiarized material will
automatically receive a grade of zero – no exceptions. Lastly, please know that you will be turning in
your semester paper into a “Turnitin” location—this is a tool to deduct any form of plagiarism—thus, if
you have used wording that is too similar as the book or any other wording found on the Internet, it will
be detected. So, please….again…. use your own wording
Psychology 30: Lucifer Effect Paper
Description of Paper Assignment
Prepare a 8-10 page book report on the Lucifer Effect. You are to apply what you’ve learned about Social
Psychology throughout the paper—please cite your sources properly.
For this paper, please thoroughly answer the questions below using examples from your Lucifer Effect book to
demonstrate your understanding. Each question or set of questions will be multiple sentences or paragraphs to
thoroughly cover each topic. Please note, you are NOT to use essay format—that is, you are to keep the
questions in the document and put each response below the relevant question. However, please remember,
this is a formal semester paper, so it is expected that you will use proper grammar and spelling, your sentences
and paragraphs are in proper format, and you give thorough responses with properly cited details. Lastly, this
report relates to the entire book (with the exception of chapter 15. Although interesting, you may skip the
reading in chapter 15).
1. What is the book about and who is the author? Then, give an introduction for the book by giving an
2. Why was this book written when there are several articles and book chapters that have already been
3. What is the basic premise of the Lucifer Effect? Please include details to support your answer.
4. What is the evidence that Zimbardo uses for the Lucifer Effect? Note: there are several pieces of evidence,
one being the Stanford Prison Experiment. Also, please include your thoughts about whether or not the
evidence is sufficient to support the premise or argument.
5. What were the details (or methods and results) of the Stanford Prison Experiment (see chapters 2-9)?
6. What are Zimbardo’s conclusions from the Stanford Prison Experiment (see chapter 10)?
7. Describe the ethical problems with the Stanford Prison Experiment. What does Zimbardo mean by
“relative” and “absolute” ethics.
8. What are some of the effects of the Stanford Prison Experiment? That is, what events or insights (from
others, Zimbardo, or the participants) came after this study?
9. Describe other research findings or real-world events that show situational power (see chapter 12). What
are some things of which we should be cautious? Please note: this could get exhaustive but I’m looking
for well-developed paragraphs here (about two to three should be sufficient). This chapter probably
includes the most “evidence” for situational power, and is very interesting.
10. What are Zimbardo’s contentions about deindividuation, dehumanization, and inaction? What is his
11. What is the parallel between the Stanford Prison Experiment and the events at Abu Ghraib? (see chapter
12. How do we resist situational influences (please explain each, don’t just list them… of course)? What are
some real-world examples of people who have done this?
13. Please include a statement of why you think Zimbardo titled the book Lucifer “Effect” as opposed to
“Affect.” This is interesting to think about, and perfectly captures his premise.
14. What are other real-world examples to which the Lucifer Effect applies?
15. What are your conclusions after having read this book and writing the paper.
Reminders for completing your paper assignment:
• The paper must be typed with 1″ margins (please note, your margins must not be larger than 1”),
and from 8-10 pages in length, although your grade will not be reduced if you exceed the page
limit. 11
• Your paper will be graded for both content (Were the essays well written, did they thoroughly
address the issues in the question, were your arguments logical, etc.) and form (Spelling,
grammar, punctuation, etc.).
• You must properly reference the page numbers for the material to which you refer in the text as
well as other sources within the body of your paper if you choose to use them, and include a
reference page at the end of your paper. Here are some tips on properly referencing your articles
and text:
o If you paraphrase an idea or definition from an article or text, you must cite the source of
that idea.
o You can do this in either of the following ways (these are only examples):
§ Hastie and Kumar (1979) found that individuals tend to recall expectancy
inconsistent information more than expectancy consistent information.
§ Individuals tend to recall expectancy inconsistent information more than expectancy
consistent information (Hastie & Kumar, 1979).
§ To cite a passage from another source and you need to quote this source verbatim
FAMOUS), but if you do, place it in quotation marks and cite the authors and page
number: “Specific acts that are unexpected or incongruent with reference to a
person’s general impression are well remembered compared to acts that are
unsurprising or congruent” (Hastie & Kumar, 1979, p. 31). Again, please remember,
you are NOT to use quotes when responding to each question for your semester
§ To cite a page number from the Lucifer Effect, simply put the page number at the
end of the sentence. For example: Zimbardo describes how individuals are
influenced by the social environment. For example, ………… (p. 37).
o When referencing your articles in a reference section, you need to use the following
§ ARTICLE REFERENCE: Author Last Name, First and Second initials (date). Title of
journal article, Name of Journal, vol. #, page numbers. (see example below)
§ Tucker, Lyubomirsky, & Kasri (2001). The hedonic conflicts of emotional well
being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 32, 116-138.
§ BOOK REFERENCE: Author Last Name, First and Second initials (date). Chapter
title. Editor(s), Title of Book. Publishers city, State: Publishing company name. (see
example below)
Petty, R. E., Haugtvedt, C.P., & Smith, S. M. (1995). Elaboration as a determinant of attitude strength:
Creating attitudes that are persistent, resistant, and predictive of behavior. In R. E. Petty & J. A. Krosnick
(Eds.), Attitude strength: Antecedents and consequences. Hillsdale,NJ: Erlbaum