Please make sure to a well-considered response of at least 200 words and then

Please make sure to a well-considered response of at least 200 words and then

Please make sure to a well-considered response of at least 200 words and then respond to one classmate in a substantive and respectful way. Remember, you do not have to agree with the views presented, only respectfully respond to them.*
With the rise of out-sourcing government work to private-sector organizations, the debate arises as to what should remain a distinct responsibility of government and what can be outsourced to the private sector.  Identify at least one public service that you believe the national government should NOT contract-out to private-sector organizations, OR identity at least one public service that is currently provided by the national government that you believe the national government SHOULD contract out or completely hand over to the private sector.  Explain your reasoning.

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