Please provide meaningful at least 150 words response to the following post. APA
Please provide meaningful at least 150 words response to the following post. APA format. Please also
include citations and references outside of what is used here.
Post 1
This week we’re going to consider using M&S to test a system of systems. First, chose an SoS. It may be one you’ve used for a previous discussion thread. Next, in a few sentences, describe your system. Third, indicate what you will model or simulate. This may be a constructive simulation (i.e. where the entire SoS is a computer model), or sim/stim, where some element of the the SoS or some interface to the SoS is simulated. Some examples of this might be a COTS M&S tool like Eggplant to simulate user interaction, iperf to simulate network traffic, or some simulation you will build to replace some element of the system under test (SUT). Describe why you are using the M&S instead of the actual element. Finally, describe how you will VV&A the M&S. So, as an outline, your answer will look something like this:
1. Descriiption of System
2. Descriiption of element to be simulated, and reason why it’s being simulated
3. How will you VV&A the simulation?
Response 1
Descriiption of System:
An unmanned aerial system (UAS) also known as a remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) is an unmanned aircraft and the equipment necessary for the safety and efficiency operation of the aircraft at flight. The UAS is composed of the drone or unmanned aircraft, the control station and the communication link between the control station and the actual unmanned aircraft vehicle (UAV) (Unmanned Aircraft Systems / Drones, 2015).
Descriiption of element to be simulated, and reason why it’s being simulated:
The element to be simulated for the UAS is the communication link between the control station and the UAV. UAS communication link simulation permits modeling of how the control station can feed the appropriate information to the UAV to conduct it’s assigned mission. With these simulations, it will provide the system team and the mission control team to detect any potential defects or communication gaps between the two systems, that can lead to a mission failure. An example is the Flight Optimization System (FLOPS) which consist of nine primary modules used to simulate how the UAV/mission control team communicate with one another with analyzing weights, aerodynamics, engine cycle analysis, propulsion data scaling and interpolation, mission performance, takeoff and landing, noise footprint, cost analysis, and program control (Wieland et al., 2012).
How will you VV&A the simulation?
Verification: verification for the UAS simulation will be model interface testing. Verification will be achieved by confirming that the UAV in the simulation and the control station are communicating back and forth the accurate route changes.
Validation: validation for the UAS simulation will be data interface testing. Validating that the correct data from the UAV model is transferred and able to be decrypted by the control station.
Accreditation: accreditation for the UAS simulation will have the accepted criteria that the simulation must meet to pass all requirements tested. Those can include:
UAV must fly with no pilot on board.
UAV must be able to receive and process incoming route changes from control station.
UAV must be able to feed back important mission critical data to control station.
Payload of UAV module must show it is secure during mission flight module.
Simulation tool must demonstrate mission output logs, defects, and critical data points outside of design parameters, for future design changes.
Unmanned Aircraft Systems / Drones. (2015, June 1).
Wieland, F., Ayyalasomayajula, S., Mooney, R., DeLaurentis, D., Vinay, V., Goppert, J., America, Q. N. (2012). Modeling and Simulation for UAS in the NAS. NASA Contract Report NASA/CRNND11AQ74C.