Please read the 4 chapters and watch the video and answer the following question

Please read the 4 chapters and watch the video and answer the following question

Please read the 4 chapters and watch the video and answer the following questions:
Reading Resources Review :
How has the young adulthood life cycle stage changed for the most recent generation? What are the potential causes of these changes and how do they influence therapy?
How would you characterize young adulthood as a transition for the family?
Clinical Reflection :
As a future therapist, what are some of the specific lessons learned this week that you can apply to your counseling approach?
What are some of the dimensions of diversity and social injustice that may change or affect your future work as they relate to the reading and your personal reflection on the weekly topic?
Your response should include outside material (e.g., personal experiences, relevant movies, and current events) to demonstrate a deeper level of insight and awareness. It should also adhere to basic APA format relating to font size, grammar, punctuation, and spelling citation and references.
link to the video :
BOOK INFORMATION FOR CITING : BOOK 1) THE EXPANDING FAMILY LIFE CYCLE ( individual, family, and social perspectives) BY Monica McGolrick , Nydia Garcia Preto , and Betty Carter , published in 2016 BOOK 2) NORMAL FAMILY PROCESSES ( GROWING DIVERSITY AND COMPLEXITY) 4th edition edited by Froma Walsh published in 2012

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