Portfolio Project –
Preparation: With all this newly attained knowledge, prepare
Portfolio Project –
Preparation: With all this newly attained knowledge, prepare to interview someone in your organization regarding Learning Organizations. Pick someone as high up as you can; we want your bosses to know you are in school to better yourself in life and in the working world, so the higher up you can go the better for you when promotion time comes. Prepare for the interview. Ask about the past, present, and future of learning in the organization. Get specific examples of programs, ask about corporate goals for learning. Explain in advance the purpose of the interview so your subject can be prepared.
If you are not currently working, select a corporation you are interested in, call them up, explain that this is a class project and ask if you can interview someone in the company. If you go this route contact me to discuss.
Assignment: Prepare a narrated PowerPoint to present the information you have acquired. This will be delivered to the person you interviewed as well as retained for your portfolio. Include the interview questions that you used. This presentation should be between 3-5 minutes, make sure you practice, and do not go over the 5 minute time limit.