Present thesis statement (or main argument) – including a claim, reasons, counte
Present thesis statement (or main argument) – including a claim, reasons, counterpoint.
Topic sentences organized to follow the thesis, and at the beginning of body paragraphs.
Two to three body paragraphs for each topic (topics are created from the reasons in the thesis statement).
Responding to all parts of the prompt in bold.
Either in APA or MLA format – choose one style and consistently apply it.
MLA formatting with in-text citations, works cited page, general formatting, and additional links to resources and templates from Scribbr (playlist).
APA formatting with in-text citations, reference page, general formatting, and additional links to resources and templates from Scribbr (playlist).
Clearly conveyed thoughts and ideas – spell out contractions, no spicy words.
Reference (APA) or works cited (MLA) page at the end with at least 4 resources cited in the document.
At least 2,000 words. Please include a word count at the end of the conclusion and before the reference/work cited page.