Project 3 Criteria Minimum Submission Requirements: Submitted 2 assigned resea

Project 3 Criteria
Minimum Submission Requirements:
Submitted 2 assigned resea

Project 3 Criteria
Minimum Submission Requirements:
Submitted 2 assigned research assignments/drafts with visible changes (35 and 37)
Composed drafts on Classroom Google Docs or attached Doc
Names/quotes at least 4 sources
2 peer-reviewed sources
1 non-scholarly source
1 source of your choice
Uses sources as B, E, and A evidence
1500 or more words not including heading/title/works cited
Moves To Make Throughout
Unify and thoroughly developed paragraphs: 1 central claim, central claim is connected to evidence, evidence is written about directly:
Write authoritatively about sources: name authors, build sentences, use I, name connections, paraphrase/explain sources, in text citations
‘Build on’ the evidence you have chosen to make your own claims
Use exhibits/examples to ‘show’ the reader theories/ideas/claims
Write at least 1 ‘synthesis’ paragraphs that clearly name the connection between two or more sources – one must be in the middle/making claims section
Arrive at a clear position which is a synthesis of your claims, not a summary
Beginning/Claiming Centrality – at least 2 paragraphs that
make a statement about why your research is useful, relevant, or worth reading by:
establishing you are joining an existing conversation by citing/using sources
naming the population your research applies or matters to
Grab your reader’s attention in a way that makes them want to keep reading
Name an approach, plan, or purpose
Cite all sources (summary, paraphrase, direct/indirect quotes) 1-2 quotes required.
Background/Beginning – at least 2 paragraphs that
Explain the current conversation you are joining by doing some of the following:
Explain how the conversation has changed over time
Explain what is generally accepted as true or agreed upon by the DC
Define key terms
Name what scholars are worried about or trying to figure out
Name/make use of multiple authors and their ideas
Cite all sources. 2 quotes in each paragraph required
Middle/Making Claims – at least 3 paragraphs (one or more synthesis)
Explain your contribution to the conversation by:
Makes claims (opinions) known
Present, explain, evaluate and analyze the claims your sources make
Synthesize: name, explain and analyze connections you see between your source’s claims
Test the claims your sources make with examples/exhibits
Build different claims in each paragraph in response to the evidence you choose to include
Name/make use of multiple authors and their ideas
Cite all sources (summary, paraphrase, direct/indirect quotes) at least 1 quote or more per paragrpah
Conclusion or Position Statement – at least 2 paragraphs
Backs away from deep analysis
Includes a discussion of the topic
Does not summarize or restate main claims made in the middle paragraphs
May include quotes (but not as more evidence)
Tries one of the ‘conclusion moves’ from class
Cite all sources
All sources included
MLA or APA Citations
Alphabetized list

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