PSY222 – Research Proposal – Final Draft Imagine that you are preparing a r

PSY222 – Research Proposal – Final Draft
Imagine that you are preparing a r

PSY222 – Research Proposal – Final Draft
Imagine that you are preparing a research proposal for an experimental study. Your research proposal will build from a ‘classic’ study in one of the course units – social cognition (Clark & Clark Doll Study), social influence (Cialdini et al Door in the Face Study), or social relations (Dion et al Beautiful is Good Study). In each case, you will need to conduct a literature review of 3 provided journal articles plus 1 additional, related journal article. Following your review, you will develop a new hypothesis (and subsequent method section) that modernizes the ‘classic’.
In your research proposal, you should include the following:
1) Introduction & Hypothesis (~2 pages)
a. introduce and summarize the topic, including key elements of the previous literature,
b. develop a new hypothesis and rationale for it.
2) APA-style Method Section (~2-3 pages)
a. Participants
i. include a description of your subjects,
ii. include how they will be recruited,
b. Materials
i. identify all measures and tasks the participants will complete,
ii. identify your independent and dependent variables,
c. Procedure
i. determine how they will be assigned to treatment and control conditions,
ii. describe the procedure you will apply to collect the data.
3) Summary & Conclusion (~1 page)
a. brief summary of what you would expect to find as results,
b. conclusion describing the main implications of the proposed study.
Your paper should be ~5-6 pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. All four required sources must be used as references. Your paper must be in APA style format.
I did the “door in the face” its on social influence so do any topic on that.
APA style.

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