The purpose of this assignment is to 1) help you digest the reader and t
The purpose of this assignment is to 1) help you digest the reader and think more in-depth about the major quotes that stood out to you and 2) give you material you can use later during the Unit 2 essay or in the final semester project when you are asked to connect your chosen text to TWO class readings.
Step 1: Make sure to review this week’s learning/reading materials materials.8.2 Week’s Optional Meeting Invitation
8.3 Unit 2 Essay (due 10/30 on Week 10/11)
8.4 Reading Assignment: “PREFACE Gestures of the Body—Escribiendo para idear” (PDF)
8.5 Introducing The Lost Dreamer
8.6 Read Article: “For author Lizz Huerta, a ‘Dreamer’ come true”
8.7 Reading Assignment: The Lost Dreamer
Step 2: Practice Active Reading with Reading Assignment: Bless Me. Ultima (Chs 10-22)Assigned text: 8.7 Reading Assignment: The Lost Dreamer
Step 3: Complete Reading Log Handout (Select 5 to 6 Quotes)Please pick 6 significant quotes from the assigned reading and use them to complete the following reading log. There are 2 formats available for you:
Reading Log (in Word format)Actions: Download the Word Doc version of the Reading Log, fill in your answers, save it to your device, and upload your completed worksheet. Follow the steps below in the Submission Instructions to submit your worksheet.
Google Doc version of the Reading Log: Links to an external site.If you prefer, here is the link to the Google Doc version of the Reading LogLinks to an external site.. Click “Make a Copy” to open your own copy that will automatically save to your Google Drive.
Please make sure to follow the instructions outlined on the handout. Let me know if you have any questions!
Step 4: Submit HandoutTo submit this assignment, please follow these steps:
Click on “Submit Assignment”
Word Doc Option:Choose “File Upload”
click “Choose File”
find your file
click “Choose”
check the box next to “I certify”
click “Submit Assignment.”
Google Doc Option:Choose “Google Doc”
Follow steps for syncing your Google Drive to Canvas if necessary
Select your file
Check the box next to “I certify”
Click “Submit Assignment.”
HELP WITH SUBMISSIONIf you need help figuring out how to submit this assignment, please visit the Canvas Students Community page on “How do I submit an online assignment?”Links to an external site.
If that doesn’t help, please let me know if you still have questions! Remember: I am here to provide support.
Grade Category: HOMEWORK
This assignment will be graded as COMPLETE or INCOMPLETE. To earn a COMPLETE, the assignment must meet all the above requirements.
You can find the rubric by clicking on the “more” icon indicated by three vertical dots in the upper right hand corner of this page.
Please note that the “more” icon is not visible through the Canvas Student App. If using the app, you can locate the rubric through the assignment menu. For step by step instructions on how to locate the rubric, please visit the Canvas guide on how to locate an assignment rubric.
What about Missing or Late Submissions?I accept this assignment late because it continues to be an important exercise for your development as a writer.
Remember the assignment purpose:
The purpose of this assignment is to help you deliberately build your writing strategies. Answering to this discussion board will help you keep easily accessible notes about what you are learning.
I suggest also making sure to keep your own list in your own notebook, file, Google Doc, word processor, etc.
Writing is like any other skill. It requires deliberate practice and experience. Reading other texts with close attention is a form of deliberate practice.
If you need any help, please let me know!
A Note about PlagiarismEvery assignment in this class relies on your engagement and
Please do not use outside work as your own—this includes using AI (ChatGPT, for example) to generate responses to assignments, purchasing assignments, submitting work by a friend or family member, and other ways of submitting work not completed by you and/or work not reflecting your views and thoughts.
If I find any work that has been plagiarized, I will require you to meet with me so we can have a conversation with you to better understand your specific situation and needs. The plagiarized assignment will not receive credit; however, I will work with you to address the issue and help you move forward.
If academic integrity issues arise and persist, then we will need to work with the office of Student Affairs and more robust measures may be necessary.
A Note About Avoiding PlagiarismThis assignment needs to be the product of your work. I am here to help YOU grow as a writer, no one else. Please make sure to review the Plagiarism and Academic Integrity section in our course syllabus (located under “Policies”) to review how to avoid plagiarism.
If someone else’s work is submitted and/or presented as your own, the assignment will receive a zero.
Please contact me with any questions!
8.1 Week 8 Objectives and Overview ((Must view in order to complete this module item))8.1 Week 8 Objectives and Overview (Must view in order to complete this module item)
8.2 Week’s Optional Meeting Invitation ((Must mark as done))8.2 Week’s Optional Meeting Invitation (Must mark as done)
8.3 Unit 2 Essay (due 10/30 on Week 10/11) ((Must mark as done))8.3 Unit 2 Essay (due 10/30 on Week 10/11) (Must mark as done)
8.4 Reading Assignment: “PREFACE Gestures of the Body—Escribiendo para idear” (PDF) ((Must mark as done))8.4 Reading Assignment: “PREFACE Gestures of the Body—Escribiendo para idear” (PDF) (Must mark as done)
8.5 Introducing The Lost Dreamer ((Must mark as done))8.5 Introducing The Lost Dreamer (Must mark as done)
8.6 Read Article: “For author Lizz Huerta, a ‘Dreamer’ come true” ((Must mark as done))8.6 Read Article: “For author Lizz Huerta, a ‘Dreamer’ come true” (Must mark as done)
8.7 Reading Assignment: The Lost Dreamer ((Must mark as done))8.7 Reading Assignment: The Lost Dreamer (Must mark as done)
8.8 Assignment: Reading Log for The Lost Dreamer Chapters 1-12 (pages 1-189) ((Must submit the Assignment))8.8 Assignment: Reading Log for The Lost Dreamer Chapters 1-12 (pages 1-189) (Must submit the Assignment)
8.9 Gallery: Your Thoughts This Week’s Readings (Anzaldua and Lizz Huerta) (Completed)