Read Chapters 3, 9, & Appendix A
Topic: The essentials of Technical Communicatio
Read Chapters 3, 9, & Appendix A
Topic: The essentials of Technical Communication
In this exercise, you will be informing me in writing and your classmates orally, about the topic you are choosing for Project #3: Recommendation Report. The main point is to provide an overview of the document you are going to write, including proving that you have identified a problem that can be realistically be solved, but you must also explain to me how the results of profiling your audience (for the reader of your recommendation report, i.e. NOT me) will affect your entire writing process. In addition, you need to identify 3 research sources you will use in support of your upcoming recommendation report.
Topic Selection for Project #2
With me as your audience, you are proposing a topic for the follow-up to this project, the recommendation report (Project #3), Prove that the problem you have identified exists, that it isn’t currently being solved, and that research will provide potential solutions. You must choose a topic from your own work experience, from your classroom/academic experience, or from an extracurricular activity related to your major. This must be a realistic issue you are very familiar with and on which a decision needs to be made or action taken. It must be related to your major, your work experience, or your student life.
Your procedure
1. Identify your topic, audience, and persona/role.
2. Write a memo to an audience including me and your fellow students explaining:
the scenario, background, and problem of your topic
your role as the writer of this recommendation report – why you?
your Project #3 audience’s role as the reader of this recommendation report – why them?
what objective or results will all possible solutions need to solve on project #3?
HOW you will base this project on at least three authoritative secondary sources, which you will also create bibliographic entries for in the style of your choice
3. Your Proposal memo must be at least two pages long, single spaced. As you read this assignment sheet, carefully “unpack” each of my instructions and fill them in with your knowledge from the textbook. This will help you to compose a thoughtful and thorough memo on your topic.
Your purpose
Your memo should convince your audience (me and your fellow students) that you have chosen a realistic, localized, and manageable topic; that you have established a clear relation to your chosen audience; that you have identified “what’s in it” for that audience beyond goodwill; and that you have developed a logical research plan.