Research nonverbal greetings, gestures and/or appearance in various cultures (ch

Research nonverbal greetings, gestures and/or appearance in various cultures (ch

Research nonverbal greetings, gestures and/or appearance in various cultures (choose at least three different cultures or subcultures.) For example, people in some cultures shake hands, while people in other cultures kiss to greet each other. The peace sign in our culture means something very different in another culture. How women dress in the middle east is very different than in the United States.
Find information and examples that show various non-verbal greetings, gestures and/or differences in appearance and create a 5 – 10 page PowerPoint that includes visuals (graphics/video/photos) of these greetings, gestures or appearance and include your comments, opinions and/or information about each of the ones you like best. Be sure to include your insights and opinions into your presentation. Please type you comments into the presentation itself. You do not need to present this as a speech. Be sure to include how what you found/researched relates to the textbook chapter on nonverbal communication.
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The PowerPoint presentation you created for this assignment is due on Thursday 10/5. Check back after 10/5 for your classmates’ contributions. Review their PowerPoints and comments. Respond to at least one of your classmates with your thoughts about their samples, examples or ideas/opinions.

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