Scholarship Application 1. Please describe your educational and career goals. Be

Scholarship Application
Please describe your educational and career goals. Be

Scholarship Application
Please describe your educational and career goals. Be clear and specific with your essay. taking classes now in 2 yeay younyer college and plan to transfer to a four year college to get my BSN.
Max Length: 400 words
Essay 2 – What are your interests?
Discuss how your interest in the subject developed and describe any experience you have had in the field, such as volunteer work, internships, employment, participation in student government organizations, and what you have gained from the involvement.
Max Length: 400 words
Essay 3 – Please tell us about your community activities, volunteer work, honors, campus clubs, and offices held.
If you do not have any high school/college or community awards/honors,
Max Length: 400 words
Essay – Please tell us about your educational and career goals.
pre-nursing student
Max Length: 400 words
Essay – Campus and Outside/Community Activities/Involvement
Describe any campus or outside activities, organizations, and community services you are involved with related to your educational or occupational objective.
Max Length: 400 words
Essay – List of Awards, Honors, Leadership Experience
List awards or honors you have received and leadership experiences you have been a part of.
Essay – Personal Statement
What significant challenge or setback have you faced, and how has it impacted you? How have you overcome your challenges?
Max Length: 400 words
Essay 8.
Please provide brief biographical information about yourself.
20 years African American
Max Length: 150 words
Essay 9. Please state how you would intend to use the funds to help achieve your educational goals
Min Length: 300 words
Essay 10. Please describe any community service or activities related to your field or educational objectives you have undertaken in the past 12 months. PRE NURSING
Max Length: 300 words

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