Section A: Introduction and Guidelines For this assignment, select a company and

Section A: Introduction and Guidelines
For this assignment, select a company and

Section A: Introduction and Guidelines
For this assignment, select a company and create a 1-2 page essay-style paper comprising an introduction, body, and conclusion. The paper should adhere to the following formatting criteria: double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, cover sheet, reference page, and a professional appearance. Utilize an academic format such as APA (American Psychological Association) or the format subscribed to by your university. Submission dates are fixed as per the schedule and must be strictly adhered to.
The primary focus of the paper should be on the analytical assessment of the chosen company based on the provided questions. Strive for a balance between description and analysis, ensuring all questions are comprehensively addressed. The intention of this project is to engage in a hands-on strategic analysis, simulating the scenario of presenting your analysis to the CEO of the company. Submit the paper online by 11:59 pm on the deadline day, in either MS Word or PDF format.
Section B: Recommended Sources of Information
The following sources are recommended for gathering information:
SEC’s Edgar Database: Access the Securities Exchange Commission’s (SEC) database of public company filings, particularly the 10-K reports that encompass valuable information akin to annual reports. Website:
Links to an external site.
Yahoo! Finance Company and Fund Index: Explore company profiles, financial data, and resource links available on this platform. Begin with the “Profile” link. Other portals like MSN Money offer similar resources. Website:
Links to an external site. Alternative:
Links to an external site.
Mergent Online: A platform that offers company-level financial information for your analysis.
(Include a revised version of milestone paper for this section if there are any)
Section C: Questions
Identify the Company: Clearly state the company’s name and location.
Primary Industry Identification: Identify the company’s primary industry, including its Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code and its North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code.
OSHA’s SIC Codes Search:
U.S. Census Bureau NAICS Information:
Links to an external site.
Customer Description: Describe the company’s customer base, encompassing households, businesses, schools, governments, etc. Analyze the extent to which the company relies on international customers.
Company’s Website and Annual Reports (10Ks)
Demand Determinants: Analyze the major determinants driving demand for the company’s primary product. Explain your chosen variables. If applicable, discuss how these determinants vary across different customer segments. Propose observable variables the company might employ to track changes in these demand determinants.
Company’s Website and Annual Reports
Relevant Trade Organizations:
Links to an external site.
Price Elasticity Analysis: Assess the factors affecting price elasticity, which include the number of substitutes, market definition, necessity/luxury status, and adjustment period. Based on this evaluation, ascertain whether the company faces elastic or inelastic demand concerning its primary product.
Market Structure and Pricing Power Analysis: Provide an analysis of the market structure within which your firm operates. Consider the following aspects to formulate your answer: (1) the number of competitors, (2) product similarity, (3) barriers to entry, and (4) market shares. Clarify the geographic scope of the market, categorizing it as local, national, or international. Assess the degree of pricing power that the firm possesses.
Sources of Information:
Factiva, Mergent databases
Company’s Annual Report
Concentration Ratios from the 1997 Economic Census: to an external site.
Sales and Profit Growth Calculation and Performance Comparison: Calculate the sales and profit growth rates for your company over (1) the past year and (2) the past three years. Perform the same calculations for your company’s industry rivals (firms sharing the same industry classification). Compare your firm’s growth rates with those of its rivals. Summarize your company’s performance in relation to its competitors.
Sources of Information:
Mergent Online
Annual Reports
D. A note on documentation
You should document print and online information sources. No one formatting style for online sources is universally accepted but you can use the following examples as guidelines.
Author. (Year). Title, Type of medium

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