Several challenges have impacted the food supply chains in the United States ove

Several challenges have impacted the food supply chains in the United States ove

Several challenges have impacted the food supply chains in the United States over the past year.
Supermarkets such as Kroger Company (KC) and Albertsons (AL) are managing food supply
chains, labor shortages, and inflation challenges. In addition, KC has made an offer to acquire
AL. Details of the merger of KC and AL (KCAL) can be found at the following link:… .
For this assignment, please focus on the potential merger of KC and AL.

Discuss how KC could use the Supply Chain Umbrella to complete a successful merger
with AL (Chapter 1).

Discuss how new purchasing policies could be implemented to improve supplier
performance if the KCAL merger is approved (Chapter 3).

Describe how KC could improve the effectiveness of the sourcing team if the merger
with AL is approved (Chapter 2).
• Discuss how KCAL could use supply chain integration to gain a competitive advantage
in 2024 (Chapter 4).
Article 1: “Kroger Bets $25 Billion on Bulking Up to Be More Like Walmart,” Link:…
Article 2: “Kroger Says Food Inflation Beginning to Ease,” Link:…
Article 3: “Surging Food Prices Turn More Shoppers Into Bargain Hunters,” Link:…
Article 4: “How Kroger Beat the Supply Chain Crisis,” Link:…
Article 5: Kroger News, “Kroger Earns Top Score in Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s
2022 Corporate Equality Index for the Fourth Year in a Row,” Link:…
Overview of Kroger:
Overview of Albertsons:
Presentations should include 10-25 PowerPoint slides.
Outline of the report:
I. Title page that includes your name
II. Introduction
III. KCAL and the Supply Chain Umbrella
IV. Purchasing policies for KCAL
V. Improving the effectiveness of the purchasing team
VI. Creating a competitive advantage with supply chain integration
VII. Conclusion

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