APA format, in-text citations, reference include, PowerPoint, 10 slides
Read the attachment to know which HSO type use for this assignment.
Prepare and deliver a presentation on your workforce issues for your HSOs Board of Directors. Use the following as a guide for creating your presentation:
- Slide 1: Title slide
- Slides 23: Background
- Provide a brief overview of current workforce issues that impact your HSO, such as recruitment, retention, workforce skill development, organizational culture, organizational promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion, etc. Many workforce issues are interrelated, so your overview will provide Board Members with background knowledge and context to better understand the workforce issue you will discuss throughout the remainder of your presentation.
- Slides 45: Issue
- Briefly explain the workforce issue you chose to focus on and its impact on your HSO. In your explanation, describe the relationship between the workforce issue and your organizations commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Slides 67: Evidence
- Synthesize and briefly explain what you found in the literature about the workforce issue.
- Slides 89: Recommendations
- Make recommendations for your HSO based on the evidence found in the literature about the workforce issue.
- Include recommendations for addressing both recruitment and retention related to your issue.
- Slides 1011: Action Steps
- Describe three to four (34) action steps to implement the recommendations in your HSO.
- Include an explanation of how these action steps will improve your HSOs alignment with best practices to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Slide 12: References