Social Science Question

Social Worker Interview Paper:

This paper is a summation of the social worker interview (interview must be with someone who has either a Bachelor of Social Work – BSW/BSSW or Master of Social Work- MSW/MSSW). It must be 2-4 pages in length (Times New Roman 12 pt font, double-spaced), APA format, and should include the information below while also following the detailed grading rubric included in this syllabus.

  • Brochures from the agency and the social workers business card (scan as pdf into your document). I have uploaded information on both programs (After-school care and Camp Bruins) brochures will need to be created on both. Business card has been uploaded as well.
  • Information obtained about the social worker during your interview with the social worker (write in a journalistic, narrative format- not in a specific question and answer format). (I have gather some information on the Social worker interviewed)
  • Discuss your initial reaction to the interview assignment (thoughts, feelings, fears, etc.)
  • Discuss the selection process (the process of choosing the social worker and why you selected the social worker that you did?)
  • Discussion of the day of the interview (How did you feel before, during, and after the interview?)
  • Thoughtful and comprehensive reflection (Was the interview what you thought it would be? What about the social worker made an impression? What new information did you learn about social work that you did not previously know? What did you like best and least about the interview? What did you learn about social work from the interview? What did you learn about yourself through this assignment? Fully explain.)

Students will receive 2 extra credit percentage points on the final class grade for including a handwritten thank you note to the social worker you have interviewed with an addressed, stamped envelope (upload as an image/pdf into your document at the end). This MUST be submitted with the Interview Paper and will not be accepted late.

Oral Presentation: Students will share a summary of this experience in a 5-10 minute oral presentation in class via submission of a video/screen share of your PPT/Prezi/Google slides (This has to be completed/made) including the following:

  • Highlights from your interview
  • What you have learned from this experience?
  • What surprised you about your visit/interview?
  • Did the interview strengthen or challenge your thoughts/perceptions of what a social worker is?
  • Any additional information you would like to share with the class

Students must be creative (photos, graphs, illustrations, etc.) in their presentations and must be prepared. Students may use PowerPoint, Prezi, or Google Slides. Students who appear unprepared or simply read their presentations aloud will not receive higher than 50/100 points and will likely receive 0/100 points.

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