Social Teaching as described in chapter 5 of Living Justice (with additional pp.
Social Teaching as described in chapter 5 of Living Justice (with additional pp.165-172)? Which themes?
Please focus only on Chapter 4 (sections 176-258, link found at the end) which is the entirety of the portion that is in your
course pack.
Write in essay form, including a very brief (two sentences are fine) introductory paragraph.
Your goal is to try to accurately include as many themes as you can find. Some will be easy
to locate (human dignity, solidarity, etc.), but others might be a little more challenging, so look
closely and show me what you find.
If many/most/all of the ten themes can be found, you should think of dedicating one
paragraph to each theme. In each paragraph, you should demonstrate that you know what the
theme means (for example, in a sentence or two, explain what “option for the poor and
vulnerable” means), and then demonstrate how Pope Francis agrees with it through a quote or
two from his document. (add the quotes)
Within a limit of 4 pages, you should show evidence of as many themes as you can as described
in Living Justice. Points will be deducted if the themes are not those listed in this text (Living
Justice) and for leaving out themes that are present in the document.
Important: Highlight each theme in bold letters to indicate that you are beginning to discuss
that theme. (Points deducted for failure to put themes in bold.) Use theme names as they are
stated in Living Justice (example: don’t just bold/highlight the word “peace,” but do bold “peace
and disarmament” since that is how the article names the theme).
You should use brief quotes from the document and always follow the quote with the
paragraph number as your citation (181, etc.).* You should choose quotes that most directly
relate to the theme. Points deducted for loosely related quotes if more directly related quotes
could be found. Be sure to read the document thoroughly!
Edit your paper to maximum of four pages