Superscript compound acronyms
Citations need years
Does not have enough citation
Superscript compound acronyms
Citations need years
Does not have enough citations; this is plagiarism so please rephrase it in simple language and cite it properly
Methods need to be written in paragraph form, not point form
A lot of information in paper needs to be cited
Incorrect formatting for citation list;
Make sure to subscript chemical compounds
ex vivo should be italicized
Abstract: what is described is probably not ethically allowed. The first step is never human trials. Consider starting with mice? You should not mention putting this treatment into humans if the plan is mice.
Neisseria should be italicized
Why Neisseria? This is important background to understand your design.
Methods need a lot of expansion and detail
Overall need proper citation and rephrase in simple language rather than complicated professional language as this is for Undergrade 2nd year presentation.