Take a few minutes to examine the illustration. Look at the overall picture to
Take a few minutes to examine the illustration. Look at the overall picture to get “a feel” for what the artist want to portray. Then, look at each of the vignettes in the illustration. What messages do those vignettes portray?
After examining the illustraion answer the following questions. Write three to five sentences on each question. (Go with your first impressions.)
1. What do you see in the illustration?
2. What are your initial observations?
3. What stands out to you as you look at this image?
4. How does john Gast use imagery to portray a visual concept of Manifest Destiny?
5. How did the artist use light to reinforce his message?
After you complete the five questions, move on to page 2. ( Does reading the narrative change your opinions on the illustraion?)
6. Who do you think was Crofutt’s “target market” for his periodical?