Task: You are writing a letter to a family of a child between 5 -10 years old. T

Task: You are writing a letter to a family of a child between 5 -10 years old. T

Task: You are writing a letter to a family of a child between 5 -10 years old. The family just moved from a different country (you pick what country they immigrated from) and are visiting schools with the hope of enrolling their child in a program/school where they feel welcomed and supported. English is not the family’s first language. One parent is a native English speaker born in the United States, while the other parent, English is their second language and was born outside of the U.S. The family has a younger child, who is 10 months old and is cared for by the grandparents while the parents are at work. Both parents work full-time; Parent 1 is a Hotel Manager, and Parent 2 is a restaurant cook. They enjoy taking their children on nature walks in their spare time and love cooking meals that reflect their background and culture. Both parents want their children to speak their native language (you decide what language that is) and have strong cultural roots (you decide what culture that is) that they are passing down to their children. The entire family lives in a three-bedroom apartment and has access to one vehicle. Both parents believe that education is important but are restricted by their employer to be fully present at school events but consider themselves to be involved parents. They want the best for their children, whom they love very much.
You are tasked with writing a PERSUASIVE LETTER to this family that your school/program and your classroom are the best fit for their child and, ultimately, the entire family. Remember, this is your opportunity to consider what an ideal classroom/school can look like for families.
What you must include in the letter (does not have to be in this order):
Your name and role at the school (e.g., Principal, Teacher)
Name of the ECE program or Elementary School
The mission of the ECE program or Elementary School (
Reasons why they should enroll their child in your school/classroom. Here are some points to consider. What does this school offer the child/family that other schools do not?
How should parents be expected to be treated by the school?
How does the school communicate with families?
What can families expect from the school?
What resources does this school offer to children and families?
1-2 pages, single-spaced, Times-New Roman font.
Professionally written.
Be creative in how this letter is written!
Re-read for grammatical and misspelling errors.
Rely heavily on your course textbook & notes (no need to cite).

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